Welcome to my Blog site for food mad and especially Braaiing (BBQ) mad people. I had planned to Braai and blog at least once a week (FOR ONE WHOLE YEAR) something that I haven’t (on the whole) cooked on the Braai before. This I managed to do. Even through the wettest and what felt like the coldest year for the last 50 years. So to those of you who joined me on this journey, I hope you had as great a time as I did, no matter what the weather was that came our way but all that great food was definitely worth it.

For those of you who missed it, you can catch up as all the recipes are on the blog page, over 50 different things to cook on the Braai. This is not the end, just a small break while I catch up with the rest of my life, lol! So if there is something you would like to see me Braai, just drop me a line and I will try to cook it over the winter and post the outcome in the Spring.

Note that I will not be referring to Braaiing or Braai as BBQ after this page because as a South African there is only one "BRAAI"

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